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Selectmen's Minutes December 5, 1995
                        November 28, 1995
             Selectmen Meeting - Planning Session

Meeting called to order at 7:35pm.  Present: Judith Murdoch,
Charles Flynn, James Haggerty, Chair, Peter Jones and Catherine
Kuchinski, Clerk.

Also present: Joseph Nugent, Executive Secretary to the Board of
Selectmen; Irene McSherry (W-H Regional Assistant Superintendant);
Finance Committee members: Charlotte Vayo, James Tufu, Larry House, Linda Wyman, Bob Sutter; School Committee members: Denise Cadres and Betty O'Sullivan; Capital Improvemnt member MaryLou Sutter; Police Chief Berry, Board of Health members: Gil Amado, Ed Gronlund, John Dias; Town Treasurer-Collector Carole McCormack; Town Accountant Barbara Gomez; Julie Vitkaus; Water Commissioner John Currie; Highway Surveyor Dick Harris, Town Clerk Sandra Harris, Assistant Assessor-Appraiser Cindy Long and Joe O'Sullivan.

I. Transfer Station Refunds: mailing of these should take place
before Christmas.

II. Space Problems of Various Departments: School Committee has a
definite plan for a new school on Liberty Street (80 acres)
property and are concerned for a time-frame but are willing to
consider the other needs of the Town.  Maintenance, Record storage, office space and ADA problems are mentioned for most town buildings.  Nugent noted that CIC survey which was done during 1994-95 showed that Town Hall needed at least half-again in size (elevator, meeting rooms, office space, vaults and storage).  At the Department Head meeting, Town Hall, Police, Water, VNA and youth groups all need space.
     Indian Head School: Discussed using Indian Head School as a
municipal center and the price to convert this building to that
use.  In order to do so, the School Building Committee would need
to place two school buildings on the Liberty Street site.

     So far, the identified space needs are: Police - prison cells, space for officers, including female officer; Town Clerk - vault; Highway Surveyor - two more bays; Board of Health - meeting space; Treasurer-Collector - access so as to be fiscally responsive; Water Department - 2,000 ft office storage of trucks and equipment; Assessors - meeting space and vault space; Press - need a writing table!; Accountant - needs 7 years of document storage accessible.

III. Next steps: (1) Liberty Street site must be analyzed for two
schools.  (2) Price to place Police Department to Indian Head;
price to renovate classrooms to office space including air
conditioning.   Linda Wyman questioned the lateness of this
initiative. Kuchinski asked that Norwell be contacted to see how
they converted their school to town offices and asked that
maintenance of existing buildings and grounds (Fire and Police
Stations, Town Hall, Camp Kiwanee, etc) be placed into
consideration for fiscal planning.  Nugent directed to work with
Julie Vitkaus on information discussed this evening.
Motion 11/28/95.1: move to hold a second meeting on this topic of
space needs centering on the use of Indian Head School as a
municipal center on December 12, 1995 at 7:30pm.  Motion made by
Kuchinski with second by Jones.  Motion carried 5-0.

Motion 11/28/95.2: move to adjourn.  Motion made by Jones with
second by Murdoch. Motion carried 5-0.   Meeting adjourned at